martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

Actividades Extraescolares y complementarias - 1º Trimestre (2015-2016)

 Tipo de actividad

Viaje cultural a Londres con alumnos de 2º, 3º, 4º de ESO  y 1º de Bachillerato. Los alumnos visitaron distintos lugares emblemáticos de la capital británica, tales como Westminster abbey, Buckingham palace, British museum...etc. El último día también visitaron Oxford y sus colleges.

Departamento de Inglés

1º Trimestre  (4-9 de Octubre)

Actividad extraescolar

Concurso de Calabazas (Jack o´lantern) . Alumnos de 1º y 2º de ESO crearon distintas calabazas para la celebración de Halloween.

Departamento de Inglés

1º Trimestre (última semana de Octubre)

Actividad complementaria

El Túnel del Terror. Los alumnos de 3º de PMAR decoraron una de las aulas a modo de túnel del terror con la supervisión de la profesora Leyre Pérez Quiroz. Los alumnos de 1º y 2º de ESO recorrieron este fantasmagórico lugar durante una de las sesiones.

Departamento de Inglés

1º Trimestre

Actividad complementaria

Visualización de cortos en inglés sobre la temática de Halloween. Durante el recorrido del Túnel del terror, los alumnos de 1º y 2º de ESO visualizaron diversos cortos de terror.

Departamento de Inglés

1º Trimestre

Actividad complementaria

Elaboración de tradicionales pancakes. Los alumnos de 4º de ESO tuvieron una clase culinaria en inglés a cargo de la alumna de intercambio Ryen Díaz. A continuación todos degustaron los pancakes que habían elaborado.

Departamento de Inglés

1º Trimestre

Actividad complementaria

Participación en el acto contra la violencia de género en el centro cívico de la localidad, organizado por el centro de la mujer. Además de otras actuaciones, la alumna de intercambio Ryen Díaz interpretó la canción “you are beautiful”

Departamentos de Educación física y Educación para la ciudadanía

1º Trimestre

Actividad complementaria

Tradicional concurso de tarjetas navideñas en inglés y francés, diseñadas por los alumnos de 1º y 2º de ESO.

Departamentos de Francés e Inglés.

1º Trimestre

Actividad complementaria

Concurso calendario de adviento, compuesto por actividades y preguntas navideñas en inglés y francés. El calendario ha sido diseñado por los departamentos de francés e inglés para alumnos de 3º y 4º de la ESO.

Departamentos de Inglés y Francés.

1º Trimestre

Actividad complementaria

Intercambio de las tarjetas navideñas más creativas del concurso con los alumnos de un instituto de educación secundaria en Narceo, Italia.

Departamento de Francés e Inglés

1º Trimestre

Actividad complementaria

domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2015

Christmas Cards & Advent Calendar Contests

As every year, students from 1º and 2º of ESO have taken part in the traditional Christmas Cards Contest, organised by the French and English Departments. Our Students have displayed their creativity to wish us Merry Christmas. Most of these cards have been sent to a group of students from a secondary school in Narcao, Italy.

Additionally, new this year has been the Advent Calendar Competition for students from 3º and 4º of ESO, organised as well by the French and English Departments.
Here you have some pics with the winning cards.

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

Pancakes: A bite of American culture.

     This term, we have learnt how to cook pancakes. The American student, Ryen, taught  how to make this traditional flat cake. According to the original recipe, dry and liquid ingredients must be mixed in different bowls.  

 Pancakes may be served at any time, specially at breakfast, with a variety of toppings and fillings.

                           Thanks Ryen, for this lesson about American culture!
                                           They were all YUMMY!!!

Jack-o´- lanterns contest - And the winners are...

Lidia, Hanne, Paula and Beatriz, from 1st ESO, designed the most creative and artistic pumpkin.

What a scary pumpkin!

sábado, 31 de octubre de 2015

Jack-o`-lanterns contest and exhibition

Our first and second year E.S.O. students have taken part in the Jack-o´-lanterns contest and exhibition, which is organized by the English Department.
Here you have some of the horrifying pumpkins that our students have designed. 

                                              The winner will be revealed next week!
In addition, PMAR students, with the guidance of the teacher Leyre Pérez Quiroz, have created The Tunnel of Terror.

                                               HAVE A SPOOKY HALLOWEEN!!!

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

School Trip To London - 1st Term

From the fourth to the ninth of October, some students from second, third, fourth ESO and first Bachillerato visited some of the most important tourist sites in the British capital city, which included the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, the British Museum, Westminster, Buckingham Palace, the Science Museum, Hyde Park and Camden Market.
That was a great chance to practise English because they stayed with English families.
Last day we visited Oxford and its colleges. Here you have some pictures of this amazing trip!

        We had such a great time that we are eager to repeat the experience!!!

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Actividades complementarias y extracurriculares- Tercer trimestre

Tipo de actividad
Visita cultural a Toledo, a través de la Diputación Provincial del lugar mencionado, (Toledo desconocido: Mezquita y Pozo del Salvador, Casa del Judío; Termas
 Romanas y Cuevas de Hércules) con los alumnos de 2º, 3º y 4º de E.S.O.

Departamento de Inglés

3er trimestre: abril

Complementaria y extracurricular
Visita de un grupo de 15 alumnos de 1º de E.S.O. de la modalidad bilingüe al C.E.I.P. Cristóbal Colón para
relatarles a los alumnos de 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria su rutina diaria en el I.E.S. mediante una presentación en lengua inglesa

Departamento de Inglés

3er trimestre: abril

Asistencia y participación en un concierto didáctico de música programática a cargo de la escuela de Música de nuestra localidad. Interpretaron A Day at the Circus, de James Curnow, y leyeron un texto en inglés de los distintos episodios de la obra: The Grand Entry, Acrobats and Aerialists, The Clowns, The Human Cannanbal; Menagerie, y Grand Finale. También interpretaron The Great Locomotive Chase y In a Gentle Rain, de R.W. Smith.

Departamentos   de Música e Inglés

3er trimestre: abril

Segunda celebración del Día del Libro, en la que un grupo de alumnos de 1º de E.S.O. bilingüe leyó un fragmento de El Quijote en inglés y francés
Departamentos de Lengua Castellana y Literatura, Inglés y Francés
3er trimestre: abril
Asistencia al Centro cívico de nuestra localidad para visualizar una obra de teatro en inglés representada por los alumnos de 6º de Educación Primaria del C.E.I.P. Cristóbal Colón
Departamento de Inglés
3er trimestre: junio
Representación del musical The Best of Broadway, en el que se interpretan canciones en español, inglés, francés y alemán de Mary Poppins; Cabaret; Hair; Fame; The Phantom of the Opera y The Sound of Music
Departamentos de Filosofía, Música, Educación Física, Latín y Griego, Francés e Inglés
3er trimestre: junio
Complementaria y extracurricular

martes, 5 de mayo de 2015

World Book Day

   On occasion of the World Book Day, on 23rd of April, at our school, several students from first, second and fourth E.S.O. read different extracts in English, French and Spanish from the book Don Quixote

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

Didactic concert

    The music school in Quintanar de la Orden offered a didactic concert of programmatic music for our students. They played A Day at the Circus,  from James Curnow. Besides, two students from our school who belong to one of the bilingual groups in second E.S.O. read some texts, written in English, about the different episodes of the musical piece of work mentioned above: The Grand Entry, Acrobats and Aerialists, The Clowns, The Human Cannanbal, Menagerie  and Grand Finale. They also played The Great Locomotive Chase and In a Gentle Rain, from R.W. Smith.

sábado, 18 de abril de 2015

Cultural visit to Toledo: Toledo desconocido

        On April, 17th some of our students from second, third and fourth E.S.O. went on a day-trip to visit Toledo, which included the visit to the Mosque and Well of El Salvador, the Jewish House, the Roman thermal baths and the Caves of Hercules. 

martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

Women in IT


           Last Friday we celebrated the International Women's Day at our school. Here you have some pictures to see all the amazing performances that took place:


miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015

Apps For Good

Building the next generation of problem-solvers and tech entrepreneurs

Our high school has become an education partner of award-winning education technology charity, Apps for Good, and will roll out its technology education programme, which enables young people from all year groups to design and build a problem-solving app, developing core 21st century digital and business skills.

The Apps for Good course is free to deliver in schools and is revolutionising the way students learn about technology.  Students identify an everyday issue or problem they care about, and learn to build a mobile, social or web app to solve it. The students of Information and Communication Technology in 4th E.S.O. are the ones who are involved in this course.

Throughout the year-long programme, teachers tap into the Apps for Good Expert community of professional software developers, designers and entrepreneurs, who mentor the students and add a real world insight as the students develop their app ideas.

When explaining why he decided to introduce the programme, Javier Sanz, headmaster at IES Infante Don Fadrique enthused: “It was the regional center for teacher training (CFRP)  that first alerted us to Apps for Good. We did a little research and the more we did, the more we realised how many schools in the UK had already introduced the programme and had nothing but great things to say about it. I really like the fact that we will have access to the Apps for Good Experts throughout the course to help mentor the students, but also to give our teachers a deeper insight into the subject, fundamentally changing the way they think about teaching computing science.  And I love that our students will not only develop fantastic technology skills through the course, but they’ll also develop a transferable skill set that encompasses teamwork, problem-solving, creativity, entrepreneurship, marketing and design. It is a chance we could not miss” 

Debbie Forster, UK managing director of Apps for Good, is encouraging other schools to get involved. She said, “We are so pleased to be working with a forward-thinking and innovative school like IES Infante Don Fadrique undoubtedly, they share our mission of wanting to change technology education forever. Young people don’t just want to consume technology; they want to be makers and creators using technology. Our goal is to help young people be more able, self-confident, and collaborative, ready to make a difference to their world!” 

From August 2014, the Apps for Good course will be delivered to over 20,000 students across the UK, with more than 430 Education Partners across the UK, working with almost 800 Expert volunteers, and for the first time, it is intended to be used in Schools that offer a bilingual education abroad the UK. For more information or to find out how you can get involved, please visit 

Apps for Good
Apps for Good is helping young people around the UK – and globally – to build their digital future. Launched in March 2010, as a pilot course in South London with just nine students, one educator, three experts and three apps, Apps for Good now delivers its technology education programme to over 20,000 students in more than 430 schools, colleges and informal learning centres across the UK. The Apps for Good movement is aimed at transforming teaching methods and creating a new global generation of confident digital makers, problem-solvers and technology entrepreneurs – who, in turn, are producing ingenious apps that can change people’s lives. 

In the 2014/2015 academic year, Apps for Good is working with over 430 schools who are delivering the course to more than 20,000 students across the UK, growing by 10,000 per cent since its launch in 2010. 

Apps for Good is also committed to developing long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships with companies and foundations who share their vision of improving technology education. Corporate partners and sponsors include technology leaders Google, Facebook, Nominet Trust, Thomson Reuters, Barclaycard and Samsung

About the Apps for Good Programme
Apps for Good trains educators in schools, colleges and youth and community centres to deliver its course to young people 10-18 years of age. 

The educators are supported by the Apps for Good Expert community of professional designers, developers and entrepreneurs, who volunteer their time to advise the students on their ideas.

Students work together as teams to find real-life issues they want to tackle and how best to solve them with mobile, social and web applications, thereby unlocking their talents, passions and skills.

The teams move from problem to prototype by working through the software product development process an entrepreneur would take – from feasibility research and deciding on business models to product design and marketing. For more information visit